Zerocode Mapbox Plugin - Team up for improved cluster marker resolution?

Hi bubblers

We are using the Mapbox map plugin. Its great and the best there is on the marketplace, but ZeroCode recently decided to halt development of map features from feedback and charge a development fee for adding them.

They call it “sponsoring a feature” :slight_smile:

We could use the high res cluster markers in our apps to make them look like most other up-to-date apps with a map.

They are currently blurry at 1:1 pixel resolution on all devices and more so on mobile with high-res screens.

It should not be a big deal for them to implement a new “add cluster to map” action with the option to set marker size. Eg. size ratio 0.3 with a 200x200 pix marker image which the “add marker to map” action can already do.

Their “minimum sponsoring package” is 200 USD for 5 hours of dev. time. We would not feel
being a couple of developers throwing money at the table together.

Is there anyone else that would like to see high-res cluster markers on the map?

We could share the cost. The more, the less it will be for a big visual improvement to your map app.

Are you able to upload your own markers? If you use an svg they shouldn’t be blurry

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Try out - we use raster photos for the makers from a CDN. SVG won’t do for anything other than symbol markers.

The only proper way is to use smaller pixel to viewport ratios for the markers. But thanks!

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Hello @login ,

Hope you’re doing well.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the Bubble forum. As previously discussed on the Zeroqode forum, it was decided not to implement the resizing option for cluster markers. The reason is that it wouldn’t truly resize the images, but would only display them at a smaller size while still uploading the full size images. This can cause delays and potential problem for users when there will be more cluster markers each with it’s own image.

As mentioned before, the best solution is to resize and crop images to your preferred dimensions before using them. For cluster markers, images will always be shown on the Map in their original 1:1 ratio from the database, and the resolution remains unchanged - it will be displayed exactly as it is.

We strive to accommodate all requests and have implemented many improvements based on your feedback in the past. However, due to the concerns mentioned above, we decided not to add this particular feature.

Regarding sponsored development, it is currently offered at $150 per hour with no minimum limit.

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out anytime.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and best regards, :christmas_tree:

Support Team
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Thanks for repeating the info. We know. We are doing just that using a CDN as mentioned here and on the zerocode forum.

But it is possible to make the same resizing work the same way as when adding a single marker?

As I understand it, you would make a new action (to avoid the instability with existing users).

Also much appreciated. This is why i am asking the community for interest is getting this developed as I doing I have a unique case. Thank you for your understanding.

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Thanks for the info. That’s steeper.

We will stick to the 200 USD for 5 Hour offer then. Regardless of others chipping in then) Appreciated.

Likewise. Do take time off as well today. It’s Christmas. Be with your family (realizing I should do the same :slight_smile: right now).


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Hello @login ,

Thank you for sharing your feedback and for your understanding. We hope you had a wonderful Christmas season. :christmas_tree:

We’ve added your this request to our list of potential plugin enhancements, and in case it will be decided to be added into the Mapbox, we’ll let you know.

In the meantime, feel free to complete the sponsoring form if you decide to do so. :pray:

Thanks again for your understanding, and have a great day!

Best regards,
Support Team
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