Zeroqode Fuzzy Search Issue

Hi all

I have a problem using the fantastic Fuzzy search from @ZeroqodeSupport and was hoping for a bit of help.

When my page loads I have arepeating group that is populated with users of a specific role and where in the database I have marked them as active.

I have a search field which is connected with the zqfuzzysearch component that when typed into changes the RG’s content to match whatever was typed in and of course retains the role and active status needed and this works fine.

I have a toggle switch that allows the user to change the contents of the RG so they can now see the ‘inactive’ users for the specific role set instead. This works fine and when the toggle is selected I reset zqfuzzysearch using their reset method.

However, when I now type into the search field nothing happens - I was expecting to be able to now search for records from the inactive users. It seems to never fire zqfuzzysearch a second time and I can’t figure out why.

When I hit the toggle again and go back to active users zqfuzzysearch is no longer fltering the view of the RG.

Any views?



Hi @dunnydf ,

Thank you for reaching out and for your kind words about the plugin! :blush:

To better understand what’s happening, could you please share some additional details? Specifically:

  • A screenshot of your workflow actions related to toggling and resetting the search.
  • A screenshot of your plugin element setup.
  • A debugger screenshot when performing the search after toggling.
  • If possible, a screencast showing each step—this would be super helpful in analyzing the issue!

In the meantime, feel free to check out our Demo Page and Documentation for reference:
:small_blue_diamond: Demo Page
:small_blue_diamond: Plugin Docs

Looking forward to your response so we can assist you further. :rocket:

Best regards,
Support Team
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Hi @dunnydf,

Just checking in to see if you had a chance to gather the requested details. Let us know whenever you’re ready, and we’ll be happy to assist further! :blush:

Looking forward to your response. :pray:

Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble

Apologies, I have been away for a few days. I will put an overview together of wgat I am doing and post here. Thanks

Is this OK to start off with:-

I have a Repeating Group of users displayed by user role e.g. students, pilots, instructors. The Repeating Group is populated with the following:-

The Search & Filter button displays an input field that when I type into filters the Repeating Group - this bit works fine.


And this is configured like this:-

When I filter the RG with the show inactive users Toggle I have the conditional configured like this:-

And on change of the toggle value I do this:-

And this workflow changes the contents of the RG


After doing this and going back to the standard view (i.e. resetting the Toggle) the fuzzy search no longer works.

Hi @dunnydf ,

Thank you for sharing additional details! :blush:

Please first confirm that:
:white_check_mark: The data source is indeed a list (not a single item).
:white_check_mark: All necessary conditions are met as outlined in our documentation.

If everything is set up correctly, try the following approach:

:small_blue_diamond: Step 1: Update the Fuzzy Search’s data source dynamically to match the new repeating group content.
:small_blue_diamond: Step 2: Reset the fuzzy search input.
:small_blue_diamond: Step 3: Display the updated list in the repeating group.

:bulb: Tip: If the search is still not triggering after the reset, try adding a short delay (e.g., 0.2s) before resetting the fuzzy search input. This ensures Bubble processes the data update first.

Let me know if this helps or if you need further clarification! :rocket:

Best regards,

Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble

Thanks @ZeroqodeSupport but nothing I do appears to fire the search for a second time. It all works fine until I hit the toggle to change the view. The initial data source for Fuzzy is set to All Active Users and when I hit the toggle I have set a condition on Fuzzy to show only Inactive Users. I then pick up the fact the toggles value has changed, reset the Fuzzy (after a 1 second delay) and then display the appropriate list in the repeating group. It all works fine until I hit the toggle. Is there a way I could share it with you for you to take a look?

Hey @dunnydf ,

Thanks for your message!

Your setup sounds well-structured, and the issue likely comes down to how Bubble handles dynamic data updates with the Fuzzy Search plugin. Here are a few things to check:

  • Refreshing the Data Source – Fuzzy Search works with the data set it loads initially. When switching between active/inactive users, try clearing the data source before setting a new one.
  • Resetting the Plugin – Instead of just resetting, introduce a brief delay before updating the data source. This ensures the new list is fully registered.
  • Confirming the Search Triggers Again – Check if the plugin is detecting the new data by displaying Fuzzy Search’s List:count in a text element.
  • Using a Custom State as an Intermediary – Temporarily setting the data source to an empty list before updating it with the new set can sometimes help force a refresh.

If you’d like us to take a closer look, feel free to share a Loom video of your setup at, and we’ll be happy to review it! :blush:

Let us know if you have any other questions! :pray:

Support Team
Browse all Zeroqode Plugins for Bubble

Thanks - what I have proven, following your advice, is that FuzzySearch is firing BUT the repeating group content is not getting refreshed. I have tried various things to clear the list etc but no matter what I try I can’t get the list to refresh in response to FuzzySearch once I have hit the Toggle button. I can see that the Fuzzy count changes each time but the RG doesn’t change. I may get time to add a Loom video and will do so if I can. Thanks

Hi @dunnydf,

Thanks for the update!

It sounds like Fuzzy Search is firing correctly, but the issue lies with the repeating group not refreshing, even though the data source is changing. This could be related to how Bubble handles dynamic data updates and how the repeating group is set up.

Here are a few general tips to help with this type of issue:

  1. Ensure the Repeating Group’s Data Source is Properly Set: When you change the data, make sure the repeating group’s data source is updated properly. You can try using a “Do a Search” action after updating the custom state or data to force the RG to reload.
  2. Trigger a Workflow to Refresh the Repeating Group: Sometimes you need a specific workflow to trigger the RG to refresh after the toggle. You might want to manually trigger a “Display List” or reset the RG’s data through a workflow.
  3. Recheck Conditions for Visibility: Make sure that the repeating group and its content are visible and not hidden by any conditionals that might prevent the refresh.

If you’re still having trouble, I recommend checking out these Bubble resources to deepen your understanding:

Looking forward to your reply :pray:

Best regards,
Support Team
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