Zeroqode Fuzzy Search Issue

Hi all

I have a problem using the fantastic Fuzzy search from @ZeroqodeSupport and was hoping for a bit of help.

When my page loads I have arepeating group that is populated with users of a specific role and where in the database I have marked them as active.

I have a search field which is connected with the zqfuzzysearch component that when typed into changes the RG’s content to match whatever was typed in and of course retains the role and active status needed and this works fine.

I have a toggle switch that allows the user to change the contents of the RG so they can now see the ‘inactive’ users for the specific role set instead. This works fine and when the toggle is selected I reset zqfuzzysearch using their reset method.

However, when I now type into the search field nothing happens - I was expecting to be able to now search for records from the inactive users. It seems to never fire zqfuzzysearch a second time and I can’t figure out why.

When I hit the toggle again and go back to active users zqfuzzysearch is no longer fltering the view of the RG.

Any views?



Hi @dunnydf ,

Thank you for reaching out and for your kind words about the plugin! :blush:

To better understand what’s happening, could you please share some additional details? Specifically:

  • A screenshot of your workflow actions related to toggling and resetting the search.
  • A screenshot of your plugin element setup.
  • A debugger screenshot when performing the search after toggling.
  • If possible, a screencast showing each step—this would be super helpful in analyzing the issue!

In the meantime, feel free to check out our Demo Page and Documentation for reference:
:small_blue_diamond: Demo Page
:small_blue_diamond: Plugin Docs

Looking forward to your response so we can assist you further. :rocket:

Best regards,
Support Team
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