Zoom-in effect when tapping on a button (mobile screen)

I’m not sure if this is a bug or if I just miss some settings.
When the user taps on a button (e.g. Sign Up) on an iPhone, the browser zooms in - as it would do with a double-tap as normal behaviour on iPhone.
How can I prevent the browser to do so when clicking on a simple button?

Any ideas how to fix this?


in Settings, then General.

Update: Hi @neerja, can you confirm that the code using in the option iOS appearance “Prevent user from zooming” is actually working and maybe the same as @Bubbleboy mentionned?

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I think that’s been depreciated… I think

Anyway another approach which is well mentioned on the forum is in the setting section at the following two script/meta tags header

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no"/>

Great, that seems to work. Thanks for the help!

Hi @AlexK

Do you know which version of iPhone and on which OS it happened?

iPhone 6 with iOS 12 and the lastest Safari mayor release.

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