Zoom Integration for Scheduling App

I am trying to build a functionality on my app that allows users to create a recurring zoom event with user-specified duration and dates and then automatically send the zoom link to people who follow them.

If there is any other platform (jitsi, twilio) recommended please let me know!

Appreciate your help.

Use the API connector and build an integration with Zoom via their API. Once you handle the oauth flow you’ll be able to make requests to the API and from there you can create meetings via the endpoint linked below:

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Thanks a lot!

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You could also generate links and have video calls with the Daily video conferencing and chat plugin. There is the possibility of embedding that in your Bubble app or having the calls directly on your Daily domain.

You’ll need other APIs for the calendar events and emails but happy to jam on that if you go that route and need any help!

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Would appreciate your help, if you have some resources or could point me in the right direction!

Thank you so much

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Here’s a general guide on getting started with the plugin. This google calendar plugin should help create events, and the SendGrid API or Bubble’s native functionality can be good for sending the confirmation emails you need.

I can play with the potential setup here some more tomorrow. I might be able to whip up a demo app to illustrate how all this would work and share it with you.


Hi that would be awesome! Thanks for sharing these resources. They are a great help :smiley:

Sure thing!

Here’s a demo app (username is username and password is password if you would like to try it out) and the editor for a scheduling app that lets a user specify how long a meeting is a day/time a meeting would start, and how many weekly instances of the meeting should occur.

The meeting invite that gets sent has the Daily video call link (once you set up your Daily plugin the video links would be your daily domain) in the location.

You can actually use Bubble’s native send a meeting request functionality to send the email/calendar invite so there aren’t other APIs needed for that part in this demo. A receiving user will have to accept/add each invites to their calendar though.

You will also need to enable API workflows (screenshots below) for the recurring events and that’s only available on paid bubble plans.

Hope that helps!



Wow @lola this is such a huge help! Thanks for explaining everything so well and sharing this app!