Zoom meeting plugin implementation, home stretch

Hi everyone, I’m trying to use @copilot’s Zoom video meeting plugin for my Bubble app. I’ve gotten as far as I think I can on my own and I haven’t been able to figure out the next step.

Zoom plugin page

I was able to work with Postman to extract my Host ID, per the instructions in the Authentication section. I plugged in all my information in the fields for the “Plugins > Zoom API - Create an instant meeting” section.

I got through steps 1 and 2 of the Create Instant Meetings section.

On step 3, I’m stuck:
“3. In the following steps of your workflow, you’ll have access to the newly-created meeting’s Join URL.”

I currently have a “Start meeting” button that triggers a “Plugins > Zoom API - Create an instant meeting” workflow. I don’t know what’s supposed to happen next, and I can’t find anything that references the “Join URL” in step 3.

I also cannot find successful examples of the Zoom meeting plugin in Bubble apps, but apparently 231 apps have it installed, so someone must have implemented it successfully?

Halp plz

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I think I got it. I added another workflow and guessed “Open an external website” was the way to go.

I used "Result of Step 1 (Zoom API…)'s join_url as the Destination.

Currently I am having problems entering my own meeting. I also thought for some reason that I would be able to host video meetings directly in my own Bubble app without having to download the Zoom native app.

I’ll keep exploring from here.

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I haven’t looked at this plugin, but we use video conferencing technology in our Bubble product so I know a fair amount about the underlying technologies.

Zoom’s technology requires a download. In theory, they could have user’s download something and use it within your app, but there’s always a download with Zoom.

Last I looked (probably 6-12 months ago), for us to be able to fully embed zoom into our product (would still require a download though), we would have had to pay $2 per user per hour of video conferencing. In other words, it’s much much more expensive to embed zoom in your product than have an account with them.

I hope this is helpful.


Hey Scott, what tech are you using to embed video conferencing on Bubble? Is there something out there that plays friendly with Bubble?

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We’ve built our own video system in custom code using Tokbox which is built on WebRTC and then we iFrame it into Bubble. We also host it on the same domain (although a different subdomain) which makes it easy enough to pass data between Bubble and our video system via javascript for things like when a person clicks “join conversation.”

This works pretty well for our needs. For UX reasons, we do have to have a “webcam test” first though because so many people have computer settings that are problematic. Additionally, WebRTC just started to support Safari on iOS and Chrome on Android so we haven’t support mobile historically. May update that now. Nonetheless, end users don’t understand why they’d need to change browsers. This is just the state of video conferencing for the most part.

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Hey @InCommon were you able to figure out a way to host the meetings from within your own app?

Hi @InCommon just wanted to see if you had an update on your Zoom integration?

Hi - I just want to ask if you can still access the join url today? I’m trying it and it seems like it only returns the meeting URL, which I think is the host URL?

Because I’m having problems with all participants having the same name in Zoom.

Thank You!

@adrianepoldo Same issue here, have you figured it out?