I’ve noticed some quite puzzling (and disconcerting) behavior since I started using the multi- dev version feature.
Basically, the issue checker doesn’t seem to work properly after using “sync with live”. Following is what I recall about the course of events that might lead to problems.
- Assuming there are at least 2 different development versions, deploy one of them (let’s call it dev1).
- Now make the other development version (let’s call it dev2) active. As expected (and documented), dev2 has become out of sync with the live version.
- Pull the changes across from live to dev2.
After the above steps, what I have noticed is that the issue checker will identify issues in the editor of dev2 for workflows and pages with changes that were pulled (“sync’d”) from the live version. It seems the relevant editor page(s) must actually be visited in order for the issue checker to “see” and identify the issues. Once it does, though, simply refreshing the page will cause them to automatically resolve and disappear!
The scarier thing, however, is that I have reason to suspect that if the issue checker isn’t explicitly “forced” to identify those “false” issues (by visiting the relevant editor pages) and if those issues aren’t subsequently “cleared” (by refreshing the page), then deploying to live might result in “real” issues in the live app!
For example, I’ve had an action inexplicably disappear from a live app, even though it had previously been deployed and was working. This seemed to happen after I sync’d with live and then deployed from the version I just sync’d.
Needless to say this is all extremely difficult to troubleshoot, and I’m certainly not going to intentionally jeopardize the stability of a production app just to bug test; so I’m relying on what I recall about the sequence of events.
I’ve submitted a formal bug report just to get something on record, but if anyone has had a similar experience or has any other potentially relevant details to share, feel free to add to this thread.