Confirm Button on Reset Password link now working

Hi Folks,

I’ve tried to search in this forum but couldn’t find an answer.

I use the “Signup Login Form” from the Element Template for my user signing up/login/reset password.

Everything works fine until I lastly tested reset password.

I could get the reset email (screenshot) and open the link. But the Confirm Button on that link is not clickable.

I could find that workflow/element in my Elements Tree, so I can’t really work on it.

Hi Any friend can help answer this. ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Have you checked if your button is clickable in “Appearance” tab?
Screenshot 2023-02-13 at 18.49.35

Also are there any conditions in “Conditional” tab of your button?

I COULD NOT find that workflow/element in my Elements Tree, so I can’t really work on it. (Sorry , missed the “NOT” in my original post)

I use the “Signup Login Form” from the Element Template for my user signing up/login/reset password.

This Reset link was sent to me , and it is not developed by me. (I think all passwords are kept by Bubble )

So if you are using standard bubble template, you have a separate reset_pw page with that “reset your password” form.
As you can see - there is no default Wf there, so you need to create it.

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But because all the passwords are kept by Bubble (because I used bubble template), even though I would like to create a workflow for resetting password, I don’t have the database of password to work on.

Check this:

It only explain to the step of sending reset email link, which I had no problem at all.

My issue is that after I click on the “reset here”, it gives me this page (this page is not under my Element Tree so I can’t work on it). The “Confirm” button is not clickable.

@adamhholmes @oliviercoolen @mikeloc @keith can you guys please take a look for me. Thank you

I used the “Signup Login Form” under the “Element Template” provided by Bubble, which I have no access to password database, nor the workflow on the “reset” page. The page is not in my Element Tree

This is the email including the reset link sent to me. The above reset page is the result of me clicking on this link.

The link I posted above should lead you to a Reset password action description, not to the Send password reset email.
So all you need is to add a WF for your confirm button with action reset password:


@WildlyOptimistic, I might not understand what’s going on here, but you mentioned the elements tree a couple of times, but reset password is a page.


Is that what you are talking about?


Oh Yes Yes. OMG this it is !

My problem was that I built a native app on one page , showing/hidding them by using Custom Stats.

So I was searching within my Native App only, didn’t realize that the reset link page is at the root-level menu

This is the Screenshot of the Signup/Login Template, and it didn’t have the reset_pw page and I was so desperate to look for it here. Thanks @mikeloc I found it at the root level now !

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yes now I realize :joy:
thanks @artemzheg for keeping coming back to help me :1st_place_medal:

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