Dynamically Create Pages (Or Have A Special Bubble Page) Would Be Excellent

As far as I see everything you need is working already! I am building a TripAdvisor for families and I have similar requirements for http://kigorosa.de/
Visiting locations location are things at my app and I have generic page with type “location” to show all of them. So far there are around 700 location at my app.
You are right with the site map, the location sites are not shown there, but nevertheless google crawled them. I build a site with all locations as a list of links to my locations with the newest at the top and google crawles this site regularly (optimize performance of that site as much as possible!) Alle Ausflugsziele bei Kigorosa

Search with the tag site:kigorosa.de to see the results at directly at google (sort by date to see last entries since a worked a lot on how the entries look like on google in the past weeks)

For SEO purpose @emmanuel and the bubble team did a great job. You can define beside a title of a page a separate SEO title and SEO description (you will need to put them as attributes to your airports).
You can even handle over structured data do google using the markup with notation of schema.org. Even ratings and price categories (available for local business type) can be easily provided with bubble! Use the Page HTML Header for that purpose and the JSON notation at your final page for the airports:

This are the possible results at the search for Großer Garten Dresden - Ausflugstipp für Kinder in Dresden .