Ideas to (hopefully) make using bubble simpler, user-friendly and faster

  1. Ability to assign default values to custom states just like the default value for fields features

  2. Display the x,y coordinates of any element while mouse is over it in the editor. These can be displayed in a bar on the bottom (just like paint or photoshop)

  3. Display workflows not just in ‘cards in a grid’ view but also as rows of text (i.e. lines) which is more quickly readable as the app grows big. Just like the bubble forum rows. The element names in these lines can also be highlighted.
    When any line is clicked, the rest of UI works the same way as it does currently (i.e. the list of actions show up)

  4. Have a ‘notes’ input in the property editor itself for elements instead of that huge section which needs clicking on the icon to open up. Looking at notes for any element should be as easy as looking at its’ width or height.

  5. Ability to mask / hide client id and secret for api calls in the plugins tab. Will make it easier to share public apps without having to remove your ID and secret every time.

  6. Download all custom styles from an app as a package and import into another app. This will allow users to create style packs and use it across many apps instead of having to copy each style and paste in the current approach

  7. There are some responsive attributes of elements that show up only in the responsive tab on clicking the element. Would be good to show them in the element property editor itself (maybe below transitions) for speed.

  8. Pass multiple parameters to, and return an object from a custom workflow just like its’ currently possible by creating an api endpoint

  9. Ability to call the custom workflow in any page from the api workflows page instead of limiting it to the custom workflows in api workflows page. Alternatively, allow copying and pasting of custom workflow from any page into the api workflows page.

  10. Add ‘this element is visible’ and ‘this element isnt visible’ to transitions to smoothen UI and improve UX for bubblers

  11. Ability to add tooltips to elements


I love all of these, but especially 3, 4, 6!

Great ideas.


I second that. In order of priority…

#6. Slight revision: Don’t necessarily need to download them but just have optional access to them within a project via a personal global (account-wide) library. Taking it a step further I would also like to do the same with “Reusable Elements.” <<These requests are exceptionally important for multiple applications needing to follow the same brand/style guide.

#3. Yes yes yessss.

#4. Slight revision- would like to see notes in the editor w/o going too far out of the way to intentionally hunt for them on a per element basis (I often use notes as a reminder to “revisit this idea/question later”, and can easily miss them in review if I’m not looking for them), while also maintaining the feature’s lack of intrusiveness. One possible solution is to, up near the show grid/x-ray icons, add a button that reveals little “note” icons on all elements with notes attached to them. This would make notes quick and easy to find, while also keeping them from being a permanent distraction.