📅[New Plugin] Air Calendar (FullCalendar)

Hi Bubblers I’m happy to finally announce the official release of the Air Calendar plugin.

Demo link
Disclaimer: The demo shows what is possible with this plugin and not what comes out of the box.

Screen shot demo

Currently exposed actions and event triggers

Exposed states

Air Calendar plugin addresses 3 main challenges of bubble users in terms of adding a calendar to their applications.

  1. Speed and performance : This plugin is based on the latest FullCalendar library ( version 4.1.0) which was released just 6 days ago. The library is written with modern plain javascript without any jquery dependencies making the plugin very lightweight. This means your calendars will load very fast (those show have tested can attested to this). This library has been tried and texted and there have been several SaaS built on it (e.g. timekit.io)

  2. Customization : This plugin was created with the goal of giving your full control of the look and feel of your calendar. By default when you add this element to a page, only the time/day grid is available (even the colors of this is completely customizable). You’re in control of where your buttons should be placed and how they should look.

  3. Features : FullCalendar is the best javascript calendar in the world. It’s packed with all the features you can expect from a calendar. This plugin exposes most of these features and will continue to add more based on user interest.

Key features:
Internationalization - Has full timezone and locale support. You can even change timezones and locales live (see demo).

On-demand-fetch - Allows you to fetch only the needed events for a view making your calendar load very fast.

Easy setup - It is easy to connect your events to the calendar. It is exactly as easy as the Bubble’s calendar. You don’t have to enable any data api or create tables with specific names.

Real time live editing - Any changes made to the calendar events and displayed immediately on the calendar without any refresh. This means you can have multiple people editing the calendar at the same time and each one will see the live updates without refreshing the page.

Thanks to all those that helped me in testing this plugin.
Also a big thank you to all those that have already bought the plugin even though i hadn’t officially announced it here.

Documentation link

This plugin doesn’t include the FullCalendar schedular. Will be added in version 2.
If you’re not sure if some feature you’re interested in is supported or not, please send me a PM before buying the plugin.
You can also subscribe for just a month to test it before buying it.

Happy bubbling.


Awesome! This helps a ton!

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Nice work! :+1:

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Amazing plugin!! :slight_smile: Congrats on the launch, @seanhoots!! :rocket:


Nice work, Hoots!


Hi guys, I will be creating a series of short video tutorials to show how to setup the calendar.

Here is the first one that shows how to add the calendar element and connect to your event data source.

As you will see from this short video (about 3mins) it takes less than 2mins to add the element to a page and connect your event source. [Sorry for not so good audio quality of this one, getting a better mic for following videos]

Air Calendar Tutorial [1] - Setup
How to add Air Calendar to a page and add event source.


Congrats on the plugin release and great tutorial.

I see it’s bloated with options too.

Great work!

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@seanhoots how are you planning on managing the license overhead in version 2?

I cannot get it to work and I am getting some error codes. Can I post it here ?

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Hi @wfarrell73,
Kindly send me a PM. Also please ensure you’re on the latest version.

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Is it responsive? Or plans to make it responsive?

Hi Jon,
Good question. Yes it is response.
Note the the only element the plugin adds to a page is the grid which is responsive.
The rest of the design is up to you how you want things to look. For example you create your own navigation buttons so if you don’t make them responsive then of course the it wont.
Think of it like any bubble element, you’re responsible for making it responsive (but the grid element is responsive).

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Thanks for confirming. I did a quick resize of the demo page and the calendar did not adjust. Should I assume that it’s just because the demo page is not responsive?

Yes I didn’t make the page responsive. If you look at the editor you will notice that.

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Can multiple calendars be merged? I want to merge dates stored in Bubble with events in the user’s Google calendar.

Hey @willtaylordesign,
Currently the calendar expects one event source meaning you will have to merge multiple event source. While its possible possible its not trivial.
I will add ability to add multiple event sources in addition to the main event source in the next upgrade.
Zeroqode has a nice plugin that allows you to easily authenticate a google calendar and even edit the google calendar in your bubble application.
Once I add the multiple event sources feature you should consider getting the zeroqode plugin to help you with the authentication flow.


Hi @JonL, sorry i missed this question.
To be honest i’m not sure how i want to approach this licensing thing.
One user propose something that i’m considering. He suggested I should just add the schedular feature and not purchase any license and leave individual users to get their onw $480 license from FullCalendar.
Thats definitely going to cost users a lot. But funny enough if i was to even purchase it with my own money and sell the whole plugin for say $120 people will still scream its a rip off.


This is fantastic. Could it be used as a back end for a client online self-scheduler?

On my current self scheduler, my clients request an appointment (of various lengths) and I fetch available time slots from acuityscheduling via API.

I can see how this could fetch current appointments, but I can’t get my mind around how I would fetch current available slots?

You don’t need to use an api for this. It’s something you can build within Bubble. Perhaps you could use logic to only display lists of available time slots?

@jeffmccutcheon, a time that isn’t blocked is available, you know?