2 Errors When Connecting Stripe With Bubble

Hello everyone, I’m trying to connect a Stripe account when my app is deployed live and I’m getting this error. I’ve made sure that the Live and Test APIs are in the correct places within Bubble but, this error is still occurring.

Also, this error image occurs as well. Your help will be greatly appreciated everyone thanks!

Can you share a screenshot for your connections settings in the API Connector?

OK so, as a word of caution I would obfuscate any real keys you post in this forum, just in case.

It seems you have put the development key in the field for the live key and you have left the dev key blank.

You need to put the dev key in the development key value field and then copy the live key and put that in the field where you currently at the dev key.

That should do it.

Do you mind getting on a quick Zoom call if you have the time?

Sure. I just messaged you.

Check you chat

@willie_philpot I have been trying to contact you for a while now by phone, email and Whatapp.

I have enjoyed working with you and I am glad you were happy with the services I provided. I believe my work helped you solve a number of problems and has progressed your project. I note also you requested I provide quotes for further work, which is appreciated.

Thanks for the payments received to date.

However, there is still one invoice outstanding and it is now 35 days overdue. This amounts to $250.00

I appreciate you have indicated you are happy to pay a late fee, but the fact remains, this invoice is still outstanding.

I, like all bubble developers on this forum, expect to be paid for our time, knowledge and experience.

Once I receive payment, I am happy to set the record straight (on this thread), so others understand you are a reliable payer of outstanding invoices.

I would appreciate you attention in this matter.

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I am pleased to say, I have this morning received full payment for the outstanding.

Thanks very much, @willie_philpot. :slight_smile:

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