A stupid question

Hi all! A bit of a stupid question, but I’ve noticed more and more people with this new design when you’re interacting with an element, photo below.

Is this a setting you enable somewhere? I’ve been on Bubble a while and don’t have the option to see this.

Interesting! Thanks @dorilama. I’m not seeing this for any of my apps:

Are you on the old responsive editor or on a dedicated plan? That could be the reason.

It looks like you are not the only one with this option missing :man_shrugging:

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New responsive engine! This app is on a Production (legacy) plan but the option doesn’t show up on any

I figured it out! For people who are still having trouble getting this displayed: My ad blocker (U Block Origin) was the issue. I disabled it for the Bubble editor URL and things are back to normal.

@dorilama if you know anyone personally affected as per your message above.

It sounds strange, but thanks for the tip :slight_smile:

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