Almighty Dropzone - Google Cloud Storage plugin

Hey Aniv
Adding to @mencor.corp request
is it possible to list previous uploaded files - meaning if user close and reopen a new browser page / can we list all previous uploaded files… ?

Thank you

Hi @aniv - it looks like the doc site is down? And the plugin needs updating to v4

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Updated for v4 - Just to let any users know - I’ve acquired this plugin from Aniv, and I updated it for V4 plugins. Any support questions or issues - get in touch.

I’m in the process of updating the documentation . And there are Bucket management features I’ve always wanted that I will be adding to the plugin - got any suggestions? Get in touch :slight_smile:

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Excited to see this great plugin revived and land in such capable hands!

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I’ve added the capability to support multiple Storage providers - GCS, AWS, Wasabi, Digitalocean, Backblaze

Same plugin but can upload, download to many storage providers. It will make my life easier being able to cut and paste the Bubble components between apps but not have to re-wire in a new Uploader plugin.

I’ve also added getting the image width and height (when available) and also exposed the content type of the file uploaded.

Supported Storage Providers

AWS S3 (Amazon Web Services Simple Storage Service)
Google Cloud Storage -
Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage -
DigitalOcean Spaces - DigitalOcean Spaces | S3-Compatible Object Storage
Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage -


Hey guys!

Do you know why I am getting this type of error - The plugin could not be loaded. Please check it exists.

I am using the Almighty GCS AWS Wasabi + others plugin to have an ability to upload files to GCS. Elements and actions are loaded in the bubble ui, but cannot be used properly.

@lindsay_knowcode could you help with this please?

Thank you!

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The plug-in exists …. Perhaps try reloading the editor to jog Bubble’s memory :slightly_smiling_face:

Actually I see about 5 installs and uninstalls over night, probably you I’m guessing. If that hasn’t worked then this may be one for Bubble Support to look into.

Hey Lindsay, is this using chunked uploading allowing for greater than 5GB file size? I think most storage services limit uploads to 5GB if they are a single PUT request

Yes I think you are right - Wasabi and AWS S3, Digital Ocean, Backblaze all have a max 5G PUT.

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I’ve made detailed documentation for Backblaze setup here - explaining CORs, CLI tool etc

And a video walkthrough of how to setup Backblaze here.

I’ve added an exposed state & events to help manage errors from Storage providers … “No tomes available” from Backblaze is a good example. Throttle limits from AWS is another.