Anyone else having problems with the Bubble Stripe Plugin?

‘anonymous user’ being returned by stripe - think our privacy settings messed something up, you just tick ‘ignore privacy settings’ in stripe’s webhooks dashboard to fix it

For those interested.

the latest update from Bubble regarding the issue with the Bubble Stripe plugin is basically Bubble cannot pass the current user email to the Stripe checkout (according to one of their engineer), which doesn’t’ explain why sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t. The engineer didn’t mention anything about the other features such as cancellation, subscription status etc. so I guess the plugin is not really fully functioning as intended. Very surprising that Bubble seems to pay very little attention to payments.

So the best way that I see how we can implement subscription (most painlessly) s as follow.

  1. use the Bubble plugin to register the customer to a plan. The user’s email address may pass through, if not then they just have to enter an email address and subscribe, a bit of a weird user experience to have to enter the email address again. In the same workflow, capture the customer ID and save it with any value you need. Don’t rely on the customer->stripe-> values as these are hit and miss.
  2. As suggested by @anthonycollias above use the Self Service plugin (with the Customer ID you saved in the previous step) to allow the customer to manage their subscription.
  3. use Webhook to get the data you need from Stripe Again don’t rely on the customer ->Stripe_> values as these don’t work.

However, I now have a new problem. I am able to capture the data returned from Stripe via webhook but for some reason, I can’t search for a user with stripe id = id returned by the webhook.

The data is clearly correct and can be written to a new datatype but bubble is not able to match a user to the ID by Do a search for user - ID - object->customer (Stripe user ID). So I can’t update the user details leaving my webhook setup useless lol.

The stripeID I saved clearly matches that returned by the webhook but the search for user returned nothing.

The webhook is setup up to ignore privacy.

Any ideas?

Just got word from the bubble team that they have updated the Stripe API. I’ll be testing this weekend… have a look and see what you find out.

And I confirm that’s really better now! I am able to retrieve the customer and subscription IDs using the Bubble Stripe plugin, what did not worked before.

Excellent, thanks Bubble team!

Hey, @Christophe_HK

I´m not able to save the custumer id or make other actions that are after the suscribe action. How can I make this work?

Thanks in advance :slightly_smiling_face: :computer:

Thank you! This was very helpful :slight_smile:

I think I’m having this same issue, did you figure this out?

Hi Mufasis,

follow my instructions above.
Bubble did fix the bug so should be working now but you still need to use a mixture of the Bubble plugin, the self-service plugin and webhook to make it work with 100% confident.

I have no problem collecting or checking customer ID or customer email. But when you first sign them up the email from bubble doesn’t auto populate the stripe form. Because of this you can’t use the webhook event to check by email if they use different emails. Has to be done by customer ID. I think I got it but really a pain, lol…

Use the Zeroqode 's Stripe Marketplace Express plugin, and you can call a checkout session with the email, if iam correct


I already can use email with bubbles stock stripe plug-in and the self service portal. What I’m saying is that it’s pointless as they can use a different email than their bubble account so you have to use customer ID, which I pull all the data from the webhook to update my records…

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Hi, what query did you use to retrieve the active status? I have the same issue and logged it now several times with the Bubble Team and currently, after a week, still nothing except that engineering is looking at it. It’s insane that payment issues like this are ignored for months!

I’ve pretty much followed the guidance you recommend above using the webhook approach. I’ve pieced together the a clunky process that subscribes the user to the plan and added the self-service portal for management. The problem however, is I still need to know the status of the plan so I can push them to the renewal if needed. It looks like you have received that information via the webhook. Can you tell me how?

Thanks - SAA

This video might help

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Hi Sanastasi,

There’s a youtube video on how to do a webhook in Bubble. I think the link is above.
I use the webhook to store the next renewal date. then do a check on pageload to validate with my own logic and divert the user to the right page according to their membership status. I am sure there’s a better ways but that seem to work for me atm.

Hey @sanastasi :wave:

Bubble has webhooks built in for the user with the Bubble Stripe Plugin. Just as an alternative, You can check this:

Current User’s Stripe Subscription Status is active.

This will give you the current status of their subscription without adding any webhooks.

Not sure if this will help you or not. Just wanted to throw it out there for you just in case.

Hope that helps! :blush:


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