API from Tropo and SmartSheet

How to be able to work with the API of Tropo and Smartsheet?
BlockSpring don’t have yet the interface and Zapier too.

But I just read this from Bubble:
Another exciting thing Blockspring offers is the ability to write your own blocks. You can write a few lines of code in a language of your choice (they currently offer Python, Ruby, Node, PHP, and R), and Blockspring instantly converts it into an API for you, including automatically hosting it on its cloud.

Have you looked at Zapier ?

Well either you add the API to Blockspring yourself (which does require a bit of code), or you reach out to us and we add it for you (depending on the work involved we sometime ask you to sponsor the feature). Reach out to support@bubble.is if you want to talk about.

Yes we are looking to ‘switch’ to Bubble, first because I like what you’ve done, and love the way it work. Zapier or Blockspring or Bubble customs made are all very interesting options and being considered.