Autocomplete in bubble

I am trying to build an autocomplete functionality based on the video below.

This used text field and a group focus attached to it. I have a repeating group inside the group focus, which is populated with things from the database based on the criteria that it contains whatever is written in the text field. The groupfocus appears only when a button is clicked.

The problem:
I want the users to be able to click on one of the items in the dropdown and that should be updated into the text field. I started a workflow for a click on any of the items in the repeating group. Ideally I wanted the text field to be updated with that value. I created a custom state and set the value of the field to be the value of the custom state and updated the value in the workflow. This is not reflecting in the field.

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Hi there :slight_smile: Welcome to the forum! Can you share a link to your app editor and/or share screenshots of your setup? (In order to temporarily share a link to your app editor, you can go to Settings --> General --> Application Rights and select “everyone can edit” or "everyone can view from the dropdown. Then, copy the editor’s URL and paste it in a new forum reply there. That will allow us to take a look at the workflows.)

Hi @explain,

Please check out below forum url,

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