Hi everyone!
It’s my first time here on the Bubble forum, and I wasn’t sure where else to ask for help.
I have a recursive workflow that schedules itself until the list is fully processed. Yesterday, it was working fine, but today, when I opened Bubble, I got a DNS ERROR message saying there was an issue with my DNS.
When I tried testing my workflow, it no longer worked as it did before. I spent the whole day trying to figure out what might have caused the issue, but now I’m starting to think there’s nothing wrong with my workflow and that the problem lies elsewhere.
Has this happened to anyone before? If so, how did you fix it?
Here’s my workflow with all the details.
It turns out that Bubble isn’t even running the workflow—it just starts and ends immediately.
I’ve tried changing everything, added a log to track what’s happening, and even created another API workflow with only a list and an order number increment to see if it would run, but nothing happens.