Basic Email sign-up to be notified


For new startup project, I’m building a landing with a “teaser” about the future service and concept I will offer and I’d like to to get a simple sign-up email process for people who want to be notified when the service is officially launched. I can’t seem to be able to do it properly…

All I need is:

  • Input person’s name field
  • Input person’s email field
  • Button to validate > the person recieves the confirmation email + me I get the list of people signed up. I have a hard time doing the workflow properly even with tutorials because I don’t need a login process at his stage.

thank you in advance

Well if you have their name and email, you could create a user (even if they don’t login or anything) otherwise you migghtt beable to use custom states in order to send your email (but then you wouldn’t be saving that user to your database and would have no record of who signed up so i’d recommend just creating a user to your database)

Once you have your user, if you’re familar with sending emails, just use that data to immediately send that email out: in your workflow do “step 1: create User” → “step 2 Send email” (in that second step, you can refer to the first step for your users data)

If you need more info, let me know :slight_smile:

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Thanks so much for the quick reply.
To be honest yes, I need more help…I’m not sure how and in what order I should setup the workflow regarding sending the email to the person + at the same time saving his email in my bubble database. I would need guidelines from scratch if possible :slight_smile: ? sorry… i’m lost with this part even wathcing the tutorials

Gotcha, okay let’s start here: do you have your sendgrid API key?

Also, this is a fantastic post on emails in bubble: [Beginners Guide] to Sending Emails With Sendgrid - Work in Progress!

not yet because i’m at the very beginning finishing my template, i haven’t done my domain url + email domain yet. Can I still test it in the bubble app ?

Oh, and another, maybe better option would be to just make a new datatype for “mailing list” and use that instead of creating a user :heavy_check_mark:

So could I just use the confirmation email action, or the sending email one ? thanks for your help

So i just recreated it real quick: Here’s my first step:

and here’s the email step:

This is without creating a user type (i made a new datatype called MailingList)
and seems to work without the sendgrid setup (goes to the spam part of my gmail account)

thanks a lot for your help again, only problem i encounter is the email field being red for some reason…