Bubble Database logic

I checked bubble’s literature and been surfing the forum but I have not found a single source ( meaning one complete source ) that can explain to me in detail the logic of building a database and connecting tables in Bubble…

If there is a single source for that I would highly appreciate it.

If there is an example of a structure of event management with member/guest registration and check in that would be great. If not just a resource that would explain building relationships and connections.


Hi there @rami

Yes, you have a good question. I’m not aware of such a resource. I think when you first start with Bubble, you need a month or so just working through simple examples and watching lots of video tutorials to really get the hang of how all the pieces fit together.

There are the videos that Bubble have put together and are accessible from bubble.is which are a good start.

I then learned the most from the absolutely wonderful videos Gaby (@romanmg) has put together and are freely available on youtube… click here for her channel. She also has some great documents on her web site.

The guys at CoPilot (@copilot) have some great and very cost effective video tutorials you can purchase from their web site too. Click here to see those.

There are other courses and resources too that you can find reference to on the forum here… it would be great if this or another post could be a useful reference linking to them all!

You can also buy templates of typical app structures… but I have preferred to slowly build my own structure which I can understand and fully own.

While Bubble is so many times faster than traditional coding, as you are aware, there is still the need to really understand how to build a database and UI structure for your own app and link the two together into a usable product.

Good luck on your journey!
Antony. :slight_smile:

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