Hi, I will be creating multiple apps using Bubble as my backend, but I would like for my client’s to be responsible for handling their own Bubble account. For example, if my client has 1M downloads where users use their app everyday, is there a way for my client to be responsible for paying their Bubble plan, and not interfere with app production/modifications? I will be responsible for maintaining their app once it has been published.
Bubble has an Agency plan that is for developers that transfers the app over to your client but you can still have editing access to it.
Hi @lester, thanks for responding. Will my clients be able to make changes to the app under this plan. My client’s being able to make changes or alter the app wouldnt be a good idea
I think with the Agency plan if you switch it over to the client it outs then as admin so it would give them editing rights then. I don’t know of a way to make so the client can take care of the account but not be able to edit.
Ok that’s cool. Thank you.
Hello. I’m trying to understand the benefits to you to have them take over the app that you built instead of you continuing to “own” it and receiving a monthly subscription from them for as long as they use it.
It seems more of a value add for you to charge up front for the development- rolling in the costs of hosting through bubble- and then keeping a subscription based monthly model that accounts for x amount of dev hours on top of the hosting costs. Then, you can scale your monthly building depending on what the contract needs for upkeep/changes/sustaining the system.
Just my 2 cents
@jballou You are absolutely correct! I am in the process of doing just that. I guess I am fighting myself on this trying to keep my prices lower than what I should. Thanks for the confirmation, I needed to know that I was on the right track!
Hi @gnelson Yeah I am trying to figure out my cost and monthly subscription fees now. I think I am low balling myself. Thanks for your help. This is all new to me. I appreciate it.
@jballou I have a question. I am kind of wrestling with the fact on how to charge my client when their user base grows monthly and Bubble bills me monthly. My monthly account could fluctuate with multiple clients. Maybe I am not understanding Bubble’s pricing.
From what I understand, bubble charges by the application that is active on your account- so, even if you have 3 apps- one for each client- you will have a base price plus upgrade price for additional resources as needed.
In calculating out monthly costs, I would calculate out your fixed costs first…how much per application and how much potential upgrade cost- as well as what you feel is a reasonable single hour rate. Then, put together a package value per month that discounts your hourly rate if they buy in bulk.
An example of this for me…
I know I will be charging a rate of $75/hour for bubble application development and maintenance. I would then put together a package for the client that provides them with a base level- covering the cost of the month of hosting and upgrades- plus the hourly package they pay for- starting at a minimum of 5 hours a month, paid retainer style
So, I would charge the $65 + the (5x 60/hour) giving a cost of $365/month which will include hosting and up to 5 hours of my time- ( discount of $75/moth if they were to pay individually.)
I would then work up from there with packages…a bronze package includes 5 hours of time…silver- 10…Gold- 15…and Platinum-20… and then calculate out some modest discounts for buying in bulk.
Each month- you have tracked your time on their application, and if it is under the alloted time, they are charged normally. Overages, (for additional development, adaptations, modifications) are negotiated on a per job basis if much above and beyond- or are added to the following months bill if they are overages that have been realized that just need to be billed (at the negotiated hourly rate.) and added onto the next months bill to cover the overages.
Keep in mind, that the prices I gave are estimates only…and only to show potential. You may be able to charge different prices for dev hours, planning hours, consultation hours, and maintenance hours- depending on the clientele and your region.
No matter what, realize that you are providing a service for people and that your work is valuable. Ultimately, you are saving these people that want your service time and money and helping them meet their business objectives- all while getting a technical co-founder as a service–which is very valuable in a lot of business instances. Also, this style allows you to form a working relationship with those that contract you and you will be able to assess the long term relationship potential as it grows. Good relationships and communication mean less headache and less time- making them highly valuable contracts. Those contracts that are more difficult, will build time and then add costs- compensating you for your efforts or moving onto other avenues if they become priced out of your services.
@jballou this was fantastic information! I have been researching on how to charge my clients for weeks! This gives me a great outlook on how I should approach this. I want to help small businesses but didn’t want to cheat myself in the process. I truly appreciate all of your help! Thank you!