One thing I am wondering and you perhaps can answer is the following.
The simple apps like you showed is now possible already with a click of a button using wrappers. Plus is that you only have to develope it all once.
There is almost only one and one reason only why you do not want to wrap but want to have a native app. That’s where performance comes in. Think about maps with all kinds of UI/UX options like zoom/pitch and many data points. Or accessing native functions without draining the battery like background gps tracker but also Face ID, HealthKit access, notifications, social logins, deep links, analytics etc.
What is your take on that? Are they already far with implementation of these things? Have you already had the change to probe performance?
Popups, for example, do not copy, as they are not mobile native elements. Similarly, plugin elements won’t copy, as these are not supported in mobile native.