Button space still rendered while not shown

Hi Everyone,

New to bubble, but well known with other low/no-code software. Bubble looks great for some consumer aimed websites.

So I’ve got a sign up/login button, but once the user logs in I want this button to be hidden. So far I’ve been messing around with a condition, hiding the element when the current user is logged in, but then it still reserves the space for this button, in case it should show it.

How can I hide this the proper way? The proper way being not showing / rendering it so my other buttons fit nicely to oneanother.


Hi @bas1

Welcome to bubble.

On the group that the button is part of. Have this checkbox checked to hide the space when the button is not showing.


Hi !

Thanks for the quick reply.

So, I’ve got an header element with a title to the left and two buttons on the right: SIGN IN and SIGN UP.

Since i’m keeping it responsive, I put all 3 together in one group. Then I made another group for just the 2 buttons, for which I have just checked this checkbox.

Unfortunately the space is still shown:


Any idea why?