Can I Integrate the Bubble app with website?

Hello Everyone!

I am using the bubble app since two months ago. I am really happy with it. I want to integrate the bubble app with my lien heloc webpage. Is it possible to integrate the bubble app with webpage? If possible then what is the procedure. If you have any other suggestions then let me know!


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@angelinmorrie welcome to the community!

Keep your website on your domain and your Bubble in a sub domain like

Towards the end of the video you will find the guidance on sub domains

Thanks for Your Quick Reply!
I will follow these guidance. Thanks!

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I like to know to integrate into a subfolder. It is much better in terms of SEO and UX.
Some ideas?
Cloudflare? Server tweaks?

Hi jose,
You should integrate it in the main domain rather than integrating it in the subdomain it will help you in doing SEO of your website. I have integrated the bubble app with my website and using it since February it is very smooth and easy to manage. I suggest you to integrate and take benefits from the bubble app.