Cannot get around Current cell's INDEX

Hi, all! I’m trying to make changes to a thing. I have a list of products in a repeating group. Each cell has a row container with a text element and a “delete” icon element. When I try to set up the delete icon’s workflow, I’m not presented with “Current cell’s” as an option, only “Current cell’s index”. This has been an issue throughout my app as I have a handful of interactive repeating groups. I’ve trying to find a solution through ChatGPT, and it always has me checking the data source of the repeating group itself . The data source is always correct and the circle continues.

I have the workflow working in another repeating group, but that one is set up with a custom state that the user adds and deletes data from. This repeating group displays current products for the user to delete. That’s the only function of this repeating group; to display current, and allow deletion. Any ideas?

Its the parent groups product complete

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Never mind! Just found a solution!