Hi there
Here it is, Flusk 2.0 is officially out.
Monitoring, Error Catching, Visual Log Viewer, Smart Deployments, … these are now live.
I think everyone with an interest in Bubble should have a look at this video.
Monitoring Part
What’s that?
Monitoring is about keeping track of your app’s
- Catch backend and front-end errors
- Backup your app to up to 3 years
- Deploy on schedule or when no users are online
- Analyze your logs visually
- Set up webhooks for any event (new push, new collaborator, …)
It’s a game-changer if you’re looking for a healthy, scalable app that can handle many users without them facing unexpected errors.
Error Catcher
At scale, and even before, you want to be aware of any errors that your users might face.
As of today, you have 2 ways to find errors:
- Filter all your logs, enjoy that nice UI, find some error logs, replace them in the context (good luck with this) and try to fix them
- Wait for a user to create a bug report
And what about the errors happening on the back-end?
As no client is currently running those actions, the ONLY way of catching them is to go by yourself, on a regular basis, check for server-error logs.
An awesome tool like Bubble needs something better.
Visual Log Viewer
I’m pretty sure no one will disagree: the Logs tab on Bubble is horrible to work with.
When you start Bubbling, you just don’t go because you don’t understand anything.
And when you become good enough to actually understand how Bubble works, you sometimes need to know what happened with a specific User and how he came to a specific situation on your app.
- Digging though the workflows with the current UI/UX is hard.
- The way the logs are ordered is rarely the order the workflows runs on your app
- It’s everything but visual, in opposite to the nature of no-code
- You have to be pro-active by looking for errors yourself. There’s no global error handling methods
- You don’t have any statistics about your workflows: how long they took to run, how many WUs they consumed, % of success, …
Schedule Deployments
When running a Bubble app with many users, you don’t want to push your new version live when some people are currently using it.
You don’t want them to see this awful popup we all know, asking them to refresh the page.
They’re probably doing something important and you don’t want to add any more friction.
But how do you even know WHEN to actually deploy? Do you look at the Bubble logs?
That’s not how it should be.
Human Help if You Need it
Stuck with an error you don’t understand?
No panic, the Flusk Team got you covered.
We’ve got a team of experts ready to help you as soon as you need them.
Just ask!
Security Part
What’s that?
This is about keeping your app secure and avoid data leaks, public API Keys, unprotected API workflows, and much more.
Our algorithm scans your app, automatically detects new vulnerabilities, and guides you to take the appropriate actions to make it secure.
This is the essence of Flusk, boosted with all your feedback and AI.
Want to know which plan suits you the best?
Try Flusk 2.0 for free now.
With love from the Flusk Team 🫶🏼
Any questions? Please reply to this thread!