Catch Runtime Errors, Visual Logs, Schedule Deployments and Daily Backups: Flusk 2.0 is live! ⚡️

Hi there :wave:

Here it is, Flusk 2.0 is officially out. :tada:
Monitoring, Error Catching, Visual Log Viewer, Smart Deployments, … these are now live. :zap:

:arrow_right: Discover Flusk 2.0

I think everyone with an interest in Bubble should have a look at this video. :eyes:

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Monitoring Part

What’s that? :thinking:

Monitoring is about keeping track of your app’s

  • ⁠ ⁠Catch backend and front-end errors
  • ⁠ ⁠⁠Backup your app to up to 3 years
  • ⁠ ⁠Deploy on schedule or when no users are online
  • ⁠ ⁠Analyze your logs visually
  • ⁠ ⁠Set up webhooks for any event (new push, new collaborator, …)

It’s a game-changer if you’re looking for a healthy, scalable app that can handle many users without them facing unexpected errors. :x:

Error Catcher :zap: (1)

At scale, and even before, you want to be aware of any errors that your users might face.
As of today, you have 2 ways to find errors:

  • Filter all your logs, enjoy that nice UI, find some error logs, replace them in the context (good luck with this) and try to fix them
  • Wait for a user to create a bug report

And what about the errors happening on the back-end?
As no client is currently running those actions, the ONLY way of catching them is to go by yourself, on a regular basis, check for server-error logs.
An awesome tool like Bubble needs something better.

Visual Log Viewer :eyes: (1)

I’m pretty sure no one will disagree: the Logs tab on Bubble is horrible to work with.
When you start Bubbling, you just don’t go because you don’t understand anything.
And when you become good enough to actually understand how Bubble works, you sometimes need to know what happened with a specific User and how he came to a specific situation on your app.

  • Digging though the workflows with the current UI/UX is hard.
  • The way the logs are ordered is rarely the order the workflows runs on your app
  • It’s everything but visual, in opposite to the nature of no-code
  • You have to be pro-active by looking for errors yourself. There’s no global error handling methods
  • You don’t have any statistics about your workflows: how long they took to run, how many WUs they consumed, % of success, …

Schedule Deployments (2)

When running a Bubble app with many users, you don’t want to push your new version live when some people are currently using it.
You don’t want them to see this awful popup we all know, asking them to refresh the page.
They’re probably doing something important and you don’t want to add any more friction.

But how do you even know WHEN to actually deploy? Do you look at the Bubble logs?
That’s not how it should be.

Human Help if You Need it

Stuck with an error you don’t understand?
No panic, the Flusk Team got you covered.
We’ve got a team of experts ready to help you as soon as you need them.
Just ask!

:closed_lock_with_key: Security Part

What’s that? :thinking:

This is about keeping your app secure and avoid data leaks, public API Keys, unprotected API workflows, and much more.

Our algorithm scans your app, automatically detects new vulnerabilities, and guides you to take the appropriate actions to make it secure. :closed_lock_with_key:

This is the essence of Flusk, boosted with all your feedback and AI. :zap:

Want to know which plan suits you the best?
:white_check_mark: Try Flusk 2.0 for free now.

With love from the Flusk Team 🫶🏼
Any questions? Please reply to this thread!


Looks great. Any info on pricing?
Also, what platform did you use to record / edit the screen grab video?

Hi there, pricing starts at 29$ per month for basic security and monitoring features up to 65$ for advanced features.
Our Webflow developer is just about to finish the new pricing page, I’ll update the post as soon as it’s done :partying_face:

Screen Studio - absolutely amazing, and Adobe Premiere


The prospect of never again having to wade through the logs tab is very exciting. We’re in.

Thank you!

Ahah. Shoot us a message with feedback through the Intercom when you’ve tried it :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

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Love it ! Very happy to test it

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Thanks for you support @thibault.marty, really appreciate it.

@vnihoul77 and I try to make it easier for all of us to build secured applications using Bubble, and I can’t wait to see you on our platform.

I’d also be happy to offer you a free onboarding with me during a video call.
Let me know if this is something you’d like to do.

Flusk 2.3 is live! :partying_face:

Hey everyone.
Flusk 2.3 has arrived with new features to make your Bubble editing easier
Quite a big update for Flusk with a lot of features from the community’s idea-board!

User and Workflow Stats

We know this was one of the most wanted feature from the community, so that’s it.

Most consuming users (WUs)

Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 4

Longest Workflows

Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 4

Here’s what we included for this first milestone:

  • Top users (based on activity)
  • Users consuming the most WUs
  • Workflows taking the longest to run
  • Workflows consuming the most WUs
  • Top workflows runs

Security Widget

You can now setup the Flusk security Widget on your app using our plugin. In minutes, show your users and customers that your website is secured by Flusk and increase trust with visitors :no_mouth:

Learn more about the security Widget

Weekly Digest

Too many notifications, or not enough? In either case you should love our new digest send every week with your app’s security status and some statistics about your app!

Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 4

Dashboard Redesign

A good product is all about UI/UX, especially with the quantity of information available on the Flusk dashboard.
We’ve redesigned the dashboard to make all the new features more accessible and simple.

Feel free to share any feedback on this new update :partying_face:
@exception-rambler @eli @jj11


Come on @bubble, if these guys can do it why can’t you!

This is a cool update. Might get some clients onboard!


Those are nice words, thanks!
We’re always on the look-out for new metrics to integrate by the way, if ever you have any in mind that you feel is missing @georgecollier :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

This is pretty amazing, very beautiful.

Thanks, Chad. We appreciate your support. :rocket:
If you’re thinking about a particular feature you’d like us to develop and have on Flusk, don’t hesitate to share it here and we’ll implement it to our roadmap.

There is absolutely nothing out there like Flusk.

It holds a dozen of ESSENTIAL features that Bubble should have already developed years ago. Even more if you are on Enterprise where they take away your chart of WU’s.
If you’re running with real users, you need to sign up with them NOW. Not only security issues, bugs, and user alerts (which I never had seen before), but also schedule deploys!

*if you care to, my ref code is UMVITORCOELHO.

Wouwh, that’s a very lovely review. Thanks for the sweet words @Viktor :heart:


Flusk 2.4: Latency Reports, ChatGPT, and Usability :partying_face:

Good afternoon everyone
Today we’re rolling out a big usability upgrade with Flusk 2.4 to make the use of the platform smoother!

Special thanks to @igorracca13, @arbitraryy, @Oliver-wholegraintech and
Jack Broadbent for their suggestions and contribution to this version of Flusk :partying_face:
:gift: We’d love to offer you a 25$ giftcard to thank you - reach out in PM!

Latency Reports

One of the most requested feature from our higher-plans: we have finally released the latency monitoring.
Get an overview of your app’s response time to monitor the impact of some recurring workflows, user traffic or downtime,

Only available for Scale plans, activate it now from the Statistics tab of Flusk.

Forum Integration, ChatGPT and Experts

We know that bug from your app can be hard to understand and security issues hard to fix. We’re always trying to find new ways of making this process easier, and here are some.

Forum Integration

From an bug or a security vulnerability on your app, our new post wizard will write a detailed forum post with all the available informations.
In a few seconds you can post your question on the Bubble Forum automatically and get help from the community :busts_in_silhouette:


For bugs/errors you can now ask our Flusk GPT to help you understand what the error means, where it comes from, and how to fix it.


We have dropped the hourly price of the expert intervention from 150$ to 50$ (depending on your plan) and we will not make any margin on this service anymore.
We hope to make fixing things more accessible with this significant price drop.


As our tool becomes more complex and as we onboard more beginners, it’s crucial to make Flusk easier to use.

Manually refresh logs
Forcing the refresh of logs was a big paint point for most of you as it was very buggy because the tech behind this is quite complex.
We’ve totally redesigned it and it’s now much more performant!


Faster tests
We’ve upgraded our servers to make security tests faster!

Less errors
We’re rolling out the first version of our AI to filter-out unnecessary errors/bugs on which you cannot act (for example native Bubble errors,…)
This will only be slightly noticeable until we release the full AI model, but we need some more data first.

Better sorting for security vulnerabilities
We’ve revamped the sorting rules for showing the security issues and it should now be much more relevant!

Deployment message in webhooks

You can now receive the message from your Bubble editor’s deployment in your webhook or Slack channel.

Search in errors/bugs

You can now search for specific errors within the Error Explorer

Other improvements

  • Improved 2FA deliverability
  • You can now see the API workflow names in the WU stats
  • We added seconds and milliseconds in error occurrences and the Log Explorer

Feel free to share any feedback on this new update :partying_face:


Damn, these guys are miles ahead of Bubble… impressive stuff. @laura.oppenheimer do take a note out of their books for WU and monitoring features!


Thanks for the sweet word :star2:

I mean, it’s also easier to iterate fast when you’re a small team like us rather than nearly 150 like Bubble. They’re also helping us quite a lot on Flusk so they’re far from being inactive on this matter :slight_smile:


Great work as always Flusk team! Amazing supplemental security and monitoring tooling to Bubble and love the community you’ve built around Flusk. Very much appreciate the openness to adding features from the community.

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Thanks, @vnihoul77! It is very nice to see this useful feature released, great work and community engagement!