Checkbox with Custom State

Hello guys.

I have a repeating group show a Data Type.

I create a custom state in the repeating group (as a list of the same data type). When the checkboxes are selected, the custom state will receive the list of data.
Now I want to be able to use the TRASH icon to delete the selected lines from the database.
How can I do that? I tried “Delete a List of Things” but is not working.


Maybe share the workflow for checkbox (both adding and removing) and the trash icon. Because what you described should work normally.

Ok, find below:

Database Type Name: Cliente/Fornecedor
Custom State name: Checkbox (Cliente/Fornecedor List).

Condition for Icon change:

WorkFlow Checking and Unchecking the Checkbox:


WorkFlow for Trash Icon:

Thanks mate!

I have tried the exact thing and it works. Maybe check the privacy settings of that data type.