Cloudflare 525 error - Random on refresh


After tons of issues with my domain I managed to make it work (partially)
When I refresh the page I am getting this error:

In bubble editor it shows error too:

In cloudflare i have the following settings:

What am I doing wrong? So frustrating…

If anyone has a solution please help me out

Disable SSL it will work, it will take some time for the systems to be update.
change settings from Flexible to OFF

Using it without SSL would not be good as most browsers will block the site

Bubble shall provide you SSL

all right - I ll try that

disable ssl in CF also if you enabled that orange cloud make it grey @cm1

I did disable the proxy here too:

As i can see dns changes haven’t been propagated in your bubble setting dashboard.
Wait few hours, once its shows ok on your bubble dashboard simply enable SSL

the www have not been propagated yet. When the proxy was on, i was assigned the current ips. I ll wait a little now and see the result

Hurray now is working for me

the problems that, if you refresh multiple times it will throw the 525

So you don’t have to disable SSL for your Cloudflare account, you just need to disable proxy for your Bubble A records, which looks like you’ve done.

You might just need to wait for it to propagate

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