I have an issue to get a popup responsive.
Here is my popup with two groups (on the left with the picture, on the right to register) :
When the page width <700, the picture group is not visible and the element height is collapsing. But it’s not working. Here is the result :
Is there something special with the popup elemen ? Because I’m used to make the element height collapsing with normal group and it’s working perfectly.
Thanks for your help,
Am I right that you want WIDTH to collapse? Not height. Otherwise, it is hard to understand you based on your description.
Just had the exact same problem a couple of weeks ago. Check out this post with the answer:
Do you have a bumper group underneath that floating group, that gets hidden by a responsive condition?
If not, I’d set it up like that. A bumper group Aligned Left, and the main group Aligned left as well. Then stick the floating group above the bumper group. When page is < px collapse the bumper group by setting the hiding rule in the responsive editor. And at the same time, hide the floating group.
The issue was fixed using the responsive tab conditionals instead of the UI tab ones.
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April 12, 2021, 11:31am
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