Conditional Formatting Question


Here’s my questions.

I currently have a repeating group and within that repeating group I have a text box that provides a search request that computes a count.

Using conditional formatting I am trying to show the “New” button when the number goes up by +1. The “New” button would then disappear after a certain number of days.


Please let me your thoughts on how best to do that.


Hi there, @jameshhenry… the text element that computes the count is counting individual things in a custom data type, yes? If that is the case, I’m thinking you can use the creation date of the last thing in a given count to trigger the conditional on the “New” button.

So, you have a “New” button which is not visible on page load. The conditional on the button does a search for the last thing that is included in the count for a given row and compares the creation date of that thing plus a certain number of days to the current date. If the creation date + N days is greater than the current date, make the “New” button visible.

Any of that make sense and does it seem like it could work for you? Hopefully I have understood your post correctly, and I hope this helps.


Thanks for the reply. I’m definitely following you. I will play with it tonight and see if I can get it to work.


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I have been playing around with this for a bit and I’m struggling with the query. Let me know what brain fart I’m having please.


I figured it out. Had the search constraint incorrectly set.


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