Could anybody please help with a workflow question? :)

So I’ve been building an app and on the homepage I want a link to scroll down to a certain section of a page so I set up my first workflow : When group HZ is clicked - scroll to group D

Is there something I need to do next to make it work? When I preview it nothing happens, When I click the link it just reloads the homepage. Am I missing something?

Hi, so it’s a link or a group?
Can you show the editor?

Its a link inside a group

You need to make workflow when text is clicked not a group
Like here

But if i dont’t group the links together they don’t stay in a straight line they move all over the place

OOOOH haha thank you it worked! :slight_smile:

You don’t need to delete group, press on the text “How it works”, when press Start\edit workflow.

Glad, I could help)

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