Creating a page for applying to something (like a job)

Hi! New to Bubble and no code tools and I’m trying to build a simple page for an application site. Basically, I want multiple text inputs on each page where users can enter answers to application questions, then at the end of the process they can see all of their answers combined into one completed application by section. Does anyone have a lead on where I can find some help or a template to do this? Thanks!

This seems like a cool idea. Have you been through the basic tutorials that appear when you signup? I sounds like you need to add several input fields and add a button. When you click the button the input values should be saved, the input fields reset, and then redirect them to a thank you notice. You could view the answers in data view, or create a summary page. Are there any specific issues you’re running in to?

Thanks! Yeah I’ve been through the tutorials and I’ve been able to get to the point where data can be inputted super easily, but I’m having issues consolidating the input data then showing it as a whole application per user. I’m looking to have the applicant see their inputs all together after their done.

One way to consolidate the data is to use a Text element to provide a summary. In the content of the Text element, you can insert dynamic data, and you can write a summary combining multiple data values together. The Rich Text Editor is useful to help with the formatting.

If you assign the data to a Group container, then you can reference it directly from the Group rather than doing multiple searches for data.

If you want more control over the design, you could add multiple Text Elements to a Group instead and then position them as you please. Some of them can contain static data (such as labels/titles for the sections) and some of them can insert dynamic data from the database.

Alternatively, if your data is stored as a List, you could use a Repeating Group to display each item in the list.

Please let me know if you require any clarification.

Have you searched the Template Gallery. There are many input form templates there, some free, that you could learn from/adapt to do what you want.

Hey, very helpful, thank you! Using the Group container and the Dynamic Data I can get the responses to display but my big problems is the inputted data doesn’t automatically update to the last version inputted, it instead just gets added all together. Any suggestions for changing that?

I appreciate the help!

Happy to help :grinning:

I’m not exactly sure what you mean; if the summary page is fetching the data, it should be retrieving the latest version. Perhaps if you’re able to provide screenshots or a link to your app then it will be easier to help you.

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