So basically I want to get to a point exactly where the tutorial gets you at, it being that you have a text input field, a button, and a repeating group. Then you can either upvote certain entries in the list (by clicking the button and thus increasing the count), or you can add new tags. If those tags are already existent, they should just increase the count of the already existing tag.
At the beginning I got a bit confused between a list of things and just things, and I suppose you require a list of things for this task.
Nevertheless, I seem to be stuck in trying to increase the count of those tags that are identical to an already existing one in the list of things.
Would be much appreciated if you could help me out.
@fayewatson Thanks fayewatson, by now I actually figured out how to create this.
My problem now however is that when I try to upvote tags and delete them again by pressing the cross then it doesn’t refresh the accurate count. So I delete something and then it only updates the count when I refresh the page.
I figured that when you really quickly uvpote / down vote a tag, then it doesn’t register (even though the buttons change).
When you click everything very patiently it works.
Is there anything in the set-up where I can optimize to avoid this latency?