Current page's thing in reusable element

hi there

i’m having a form that was a on a page before but i want to turn it in a reusable element.
on the page i was referring to the current page form user. how can i achieve that the reusable element still searches for the current page form user? i was expecting that i was able to select the current page’s thing . but is not available as an option.

nobody that can help me out here?

you should be able to use parent’s group user cause the reusable element is in the page you are working on it right? if you are noit using the element in the page you can not share info
also here a very good post about it:

Just set the RE content type to the same as the page you’re putting it on, then on the page just set its data source to the current page’s thing.

i tired that, but it does not seem to work, or do I miss something?

Schermafbeelding 2023-02-24 114013

I don’t really understand why I’m looking at there?…

I thought your original question was about applying the current page thing to a RE?

What exactly are you trying to do?

Hi Adam.

let me rephrase it.

So at this moment i have a page with a from. in that form i use values “current page form user”. the page itself is datatype “form user”. but because we are transforming our bubble app it needs to become a reusable item. I converted everything so its a reusable item. but know i get 32 errors. because it does not recognize the current page form user. the errors are in the workflow and in the conditions.

My question is now, how can i resolve this. because in the reusable item the error shows current page thing in red, but I can’t change it to something like that.

screenshot link to form user

screenshot same in reusable element:

Yeah that’s what I thought… so my previous answer is correct.

I.e. just set the RE content type to the same as the page (form user) then set the RE data source to the current page’s form user.

so i did both, but still i cant get rid of the errors inside the RE element.
do i need to need to set all the above content types and sources?

if so, then i get a privacy error but even with no privacy rules the error shows up.

I’m sorry… I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about now, or what that screenshot has to do with anything you’ve asked about?

Nor what your 31 errors have to do with anything… nor how privacy runs are involved?!

Are you asking about something else now? Or is this still related to your original question?

The issue checker is telling you what issues you need to fix…

i fount the issue. the type i needed was only shown in the bottom of the list.

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