Custom workflow Bug [not found: properties.Workflow Thing]:

Hi everyone

I’ve a workflow that is used to set a state into a element and then this element will change it’s text or message. It’s a simple thing, however, I’m facing this message in debug mode:


This is the custom workflow:


This custom workflow is activated always with a text that this element takes in its custom state and a conditional in the element does the magic of changing texts.

This is one example:

I’ve never seen something like this and I’m not 100% sure it’s a bug but I’m out of options right now.


I wonder if it could be related to this recent announcement. You might want to submit a bug report if it’s highly reproducible.

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Hi @leonardo.cardoso, could you please submit a bug report here for us to take a look: Bug Report | Bubble

Thank you!

Same problem I didn’t touch anything but all my custom workflows started to bug.

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Is this in live & dev?

Maybe it is. I didn’t know about this announcement.

@grace.hong also instructed to submit a bug report. I’m filling the form right now.

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Dev. I was fixing another bug and then this happened.


Could you also please submit a bug report here: Bug Report | Bubble

That way, we can take a closer look at the specific app to help out. Thank you!

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Here an API Workflow stopped recognizing the received parameters that worked normally.

I am having the same problem. I have just submitted a bug report

It is showing “LEGACY” now like some other cases in the announcement post.

However, like others in the announcement post, the behavior of my workflow is not the same of yesterday, actually seems like it is inverted somehow: it was supposed to block sending of incomplete forms but now is allowing incomplete and blocking completed forms.

I’ve just sent infos to Bug Report.

Hey all - so sorry about this, the fix is rolling out in around nine minutes.

Fix is live!

HI @grace.hong

It is happening also to the Bubble’s Draggable Elements plugin. I sent a detailed video walk-thru of the problem to Bubble Support where one key action and related parameters are missing. This for the logic that the plugin touches.

There are also many parameters missing in other parts of the app.

Nothing happening yet… Will wait of course for the fix to propagate.

Hopefully this fix applies to the plugin as well. :smiley:

Same problem for me, parameter are not send to the backend.

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@grace.hong This is also happening to me with the Draggable Elements plugin.

Yeap … the issue continues

Hi, we just rolled out a fix for Schedule API Workflow on a List, and we’re looking into how this impacts page navigation + the Draggable Elements UI.


Any solution for this BUG?

mesmo erro aqui.
Tem previsão de solução?