Data Visualization Ideas

Hi Bubble Friends—My question is similar to one that was asked here a couple years ago, but I wanted to see if there are any new ideas floating around.

Now that I’ve gotten my team pushing data into our Bubble site on a regular basis, I’d like to be able to create some visualizations.

What tools have you used to do this successfully? Tableau? PowerBI? Something else? And how are you getting the data in/out? API Connector? via an intermediary like Zapier or a SQL server? Manual CSV exports?

Alternatively, do those with ChartTools experience find it was worth the $60? The built-in chart plugin is definitely not up to the task. But $60 one time is definitely cheaper than a Tableau license.

Thanks for any suggestions!


Follow because l’m interested by answers


Bumping. Anyone have any thoughts on this?


Hi rmorgan,

What did you find as a better choice?

  1. Use Bubble with charts plugins
  2. or embedding viz from BI tools?

I haven’t moved forward with either option as of right now, as even trialling most of them would cost my nonprofit more than we can budget for (as in, isn’t free).

I have played around with Parabola as an in-between for doing the heavy lifting on calculations and then pushing that data back into reporting-specific setting it up takes a lot more time than I think some of these other options might.

Thanks for the headsup on Parabola. Just read some tuts.

Have you checked out Google Data studio? How does the following flow sound?

  1. Connect Live Bubble data --> Google Sheets --> Data Studio
  2. Embed Data studio

Would this unload the strain on Bubble server?

Am looking at Zeroqode’s plugins for google sheets


Good suggestion. I’ll give it a try!

hey @ahanviv or @rmorgan, how did this go?

My job got complicated over the last year (as you can imagine), and I haven’t had a chance to take more than a cursory look at Data Studio. We’ve also included a Tableau license in the budget for our next round of fundraising, so I don’t want to get too deep into one system if I have to find a way to integrate from scratch with another.

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Hello! @rmorgan @ahanviv Any news about this?
I wanted to try Data Studio, or Power BI embed.

But I`d like to have a Saas, and the user be able to see only the data wich he is the owner.
Like: I have 2 users on my Saas… Each one inputs his data, and the reports shows only his own data.

Do you know if that is possible?

Thank you!

Unless you want something really custom, its hard to beat data studio. Its free, powerful, and huge userbase.

FYI, if you are a 501 c3 non-profit and want to use Power BI, non-profit pricing is available. Power BI Embedded can work as well for consumption-based pricing, but not sure if there’s non-profit pricing. PBI is generally cheaper than Tableau.

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