Database glitch

Has anyone noticed a glitch in the database data?
When I run a recursive workflow backend, the data loads in the front end in a wrong and disorganized way, if I reload the page it reorganizes the way I wanted.
When refreshing the database it doesn’t change, only when I press f5

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Yes, @IsaqueGalvao. In last week, Last week I was working on a feature to send messages to users recursively, but it didn’t work. I checked everything in the logs and in the call, but it didn’t work.

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I noticed a similar issue yesterday and although the database records were correct after running an update list of things action, the front end didn’t show the correct results but when I refreshed the page, it shows the correct results.
I noticed that sometimes it works and most of the time it doesn’t.

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yes it is happening a lot here, if the data after reload is correct then I think it is ok, but my current system works with financial data and the user will not refresh the page all the time as I work with reusable elements and page navigation via URL.

Is it working now?
my recursive workflows are working, the problem is the data that appears in the front-end right after, which is sometimes wrong.
It is fixed after refreshing the page

I reported this issue 2 weeks ago to bubble but is hasn’t been fixed yet