Display data in repeating Group - answer selected by user - radio button

Hi Guys,

I have built an Automation tool, where users can shortlist their tool as per their requirement.
Page Url - Choose Digital Marketing Tools | Automation Ready Reckoner | Bridge Gap
I have made a short video also to explain how it works above - please check
I have given the conditions to each tool, if this question selected answer is no then this tool should hide. To display the tool on the right side I have used a group.

But now, I am making a vendor page, where vendors can fill in the details of their tool and upload their logo and then it will display on the customer page.

The customer will select the answer which they want and as per that tools will display on the right side. For displaying tools I have used repeating groups.
In the repeating group I have add a group and given the condition -
“Radion Button Q1 (customer)'s Radio Button Selected Q1 doesn’t contain Current Cell’s Answer: first item”

I have used a custom state for this. I am able to do a condition for the first radio button but I am not able to do conditions for next set of radio buttons or any other components
Link of back end - Learningcatalyst | Bubble Editor

I have made a whole video of this please check

Please let me know how to give conditions to a group if multiple radio buttons are selected in a repeating group to display that data.

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