Displaying infinite repeating group scrolled to bottom (seamless)

I’m trying to display a chat window with a list of messages so that the last message is at the bottom of repeating group (like telegram, whatsapp, etc). For now I’m using a “scroll to” but there’re some problems with it:

  • It doesn’t look smooth - first you see the list and then it jerks to the last item despite the workflow actions order is first scroll and then show the list. I dont want to add pauses or long transitions to hide it because it would lead to a poor UX when you switch between chats a lot.
  • Instead of scrolling to the last item I would prefer to start from the bottom of the RG with messages and load data from the last message to the first one but I couldn’t find a way to do it.
  • I guess I’ll need to make bubble load messages in chunks and load more while user is scrolling up which seems now impossible with current solution

So is there a way to solve any of these problems?


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Hi, did you manage to solve this problem?

Considering using a smooth scrolling plugin or custom JAVAScript solution improve the scrolling experience in your chat window. To achieve the desired effect of starting from the bottom and loading messages in chunks, reverse the data order and implement pagination for dynamic loading as the user scrolls.