Do search for user only show current

I’m doing an app and I need to search all users that cumpliment some items, but when I do

Do a Search for – User

There’s only appear the current user and I don’t understand why. I’m trying to use a repeating group to show the name of the user and as you can see at first pic, the only one you see is the current user Maria.


I also show you the way I tried to configure the repeating group.

Please help and thanks in advance!!

Hi there, @ubu.qaf… check the privacy rules on your User data type because Bubble sets a privacy rule by default now. On the User data type, the default rule is This User is Current User, and with that rule in place, the search would only find Maria when you are logged in as Maria.

Hope this helps.



Thanks!! That was the problem.
Just changing the privacy started to work.

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You can actually see its the privacy rules if you use the debugger to view the data source.

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Literally just spent about 6 hours trying to figure out what I was doing wrong… I don’t think this should be set to default.