Double click on any element and trigger Workflow

Sharing this trick I found.

Using just “Toolbox” free plugin (thanks to the author @mishav !) and two workflow actions, you can create a double-click button (or any element) and trigger a custom workflow.
Free, simple, works on mobile (double tap).


Can you share your editor or more details about how you did this? I’d like to be able to use this in my app!

the link to the editor is on the left.

I didn’t see it on mobile, but now I see. Thank you!

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I tried implementing it by copy pasting all your elements but seems to not work. Not sure what I’m doing wrong.
Also, do you think it can work on repeating groups?
I’m trying to implement a like feature like instagram with double tap.

Did you miss adding the css class to the buttons? check this demo editor and you will need classify plugin. Repeating groups work, have a look at the updated demo. :+1:

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You’re right. That’s what I missed. Thanks a lot!

However. Is it possible to run the workflow on the cell where the double click occurred?
It doesn’t seem to know where it occurred but just that it occurred.

I couldn’t make this work in RPG, what does the following mean exactly?
“If input field is in a RPG or nested in RPG, you will need to run the Javascript action after it’s loaded, otherwise the command will not target the element.” I display the current cell index, it is not targeting the right element. I added the run Javascript action after the Display list actions for my RPG.

I appreciate any insight…

Hi Amy, I meant if the element (button) is inside a repeating group, we have to ensure that the javascript function applies after the repeating group is loaded.

Maybe you can share screenshot of your view and workflow so I can guess what might be your challenge?


Hi Nicsi, I am not sure what you meant, since it is repeating group, then the (double click) element will appear in all cells no?

Sorry for the late reply!


somehow to my button class was not added, even I added this line ‘{addClass:“double”}’ to Id attribute

in what place this id attribute should become class?

I understood what I needed to have
it is classify plugin.

big thanks for your job it is really cool

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