Dropdown is not valid... what does that mean?

Hi all,
need help! My dropdown menu works in test mode but not live…

Anybody knows whats going on?

thanks in advance!

What is it you are trying to do with the dropdown?

Also on the live site, if you look at the browser dev console, does it show any exceptions/errors?

so visitors can open the dropdown and choose a country, and then a flag and a description should appear… it happens in the test mode but not on the site.http://venezuelexit.com/

ohh also ok, I just checked in the test mode and it says that the dropdown is not valid… any reasons you think for this? I have all the data nicely put

If you need help, it’s always better to open your app and share a link so that other users can see what you did.

I actually did in another thread… but here it is https://bubble.io/page?name=index&id=venezuelexit&tab=tabs-1

It works ok for me - choose a country and see the flag appear. I don’t see an error Message on Chrome.

Make sure the database in live mode contains the data… If you use the debugger you’ll see that it doesn’t.

ok yes I saw that… so that means that I have to add each entry on live mode? not development?

Both database are separate. So the work should be done independently on each version. You can copy across versions, but that’ll erase the destination, so be careful.

Thanks so much … just figured it out!