I’m just wondering how someone would go about making an automated reminder that sends an email to the user when the Time/Date Input Box is today or older, is there a best way of doing this via Workflow? I don’t have a picture or anything to show this off as in my head it would be a simple concept but just wanting to know what you guys think!,
Seems like you’d need to schedule an API workflow which sends an email to a specific date. For example if you have an event on September 21st, and you’d like to send a reminder 24hours after the event’s data, you’d schedule an API workflow to Event’s Date +hours: 24
This is helpful, but how would I schedule this for a current cell? Or would I need to create the workflow first and then add this into the current cell once I’ve created the API Workflow?
This helps! Although, I can’t actually find the email that would send on this editor unless you didn’t create it, could you do that for me please? I’m just trying to get my head around it before I do this!