Excel-like calculator


I have a problem and am not making much progress, so I would be very grateful for any helpful tips:

I would like to implement in Bubble a yield calculator for properties that are for rent. I have already created this calculator in Excel. Now I would like to apply it to Bubble. It is especially important to me that the calculations are carried out immediately, just like in Excel.

The calculator calculates the yields over a period of 50 years (corresponding to the maximum tax depreciation period in Germany). A very complex calculator, complex like the German tax law :slight_smile: All in all, there are calculations over about 100 rows x 50 columns (almost 5,000 operations).

I know: an implementation via Google Sheets API would be one way. As far as I know, however, the result page has to be reloaded every time a parameter is changed.

I assume that a javascript solution would be the right way here, which performs the calculations immediately?

I have not yet found a suitable plugin for this.

Does anyone have a tip for me on how best to implement the project?

Many thanks in advance!

Hallo Tom,

willst du die Daten nur anzeigen oder willst du diese auch in der Datenbank speichern?

Viele GrĂĽĂźe

Hallo Sarah,
ich möchte die Daten auch speichern, damit der Nutzer seine Eingaben und Berechnungen später wieder aufrufen kann.
Viele GrĂĽĂźe

Hello Sarah,
I would also like to save the data so that the user can later access their inputs and calculations again.

Thanks for the fast reply.

So I do think that I would try to use backend workflows for this calculation.

You can set up the calculations for one year in the backend workflow. This way, it is also possible to calculate with values previously calculated (if there is a relationship among each other).

You can then say how often this workflow should be running (in your example, the duration of the depreciation).

I saw this one time in a different scenario with carbon footprint calculation.

Keep in mind that bubble.io is not excel. You will need to think how to structure the data in different data types (maybe you have done this already).

Many greetings.


Hi all,
is it possible to make basic opérations in Bubble like using excel i don’t see any feature like that :confused:

Yes, I have since found a way by using Handsontable:


It works (via javascript inclusion), it just took me a long time to get it working.

Hi, have you come across any good resources to make handsontable.com easier to work with bubble? i’m in a similar situation but hoping to find an easier option that doesn’t have too much of a steep learning curve.

Unfortunately no. I use handsontable for very complex calculations. For my case, it is exactly the right choice. I have not been able to find a better tool that covers my requirements. Therefore, it was worth it for me to invest more time to get the tool working. I have rudimentary javascript/programming skills and certainly spent over a month trying to get it to work. The handsontable forum was a great help.

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