Export data daily

Hi Guys,

I have made an app to track the deliveries our company has to do. I need to be able to export the data once every night to make sure if bubble goes down we can still get the deliveries done.

Does any one know how to do this? I have been trying for weeks to no avail.

Any help is appreciated.

Sure, just need to setup a backend workflow. Perhaps using this CSV plugin to send you an email with the attached data you need.

Thanks for getting back to me! I have tried setting this up but it seems you cant have this run as a backend workflow? I have been using Zapier to send a webhook every night at midnight which works, but cannot get it to create a csv and send the csv. Any more help would be appreciated

You should be able to create the dynamic file with the contents and send via an email action. Can you post a screenshot of what you’re seeing?

I have attached a screenshot of the workflow. I know the webhook is working because I have had it send an email every time this workflow is triggered. The only thing I cant get to work is either the CSV Creator or the attaching of the created file to the email.
Thanks again for your help.

I’m not near my computer at the moment, but I think you should be sending the url returned from the csv and send that as the file instead of the base64 you have.

That’s all good. I appreciate the help. It only offers me the choice to send the file as base64.
Thanks heaps

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