Filter an RG group by matching words

There is but I’d urge you to consider your user experience.

For me personally, if I were searching for a pocket knife and I kept getting results for a pocket world 3d I would become frustrated and leave the site.

Also, think about your users ability to search in general.

I’d also recommend looking at other sites that sell used items and see the way they have a seller load an item onto their platform and have it listed…it might seem a bit strange how they could categorize and make things easier not just for the user but also google bots to search their site and know how to navigate and find what they are looking for. But once you see how other platforms do it, you will understand how to create a flow to start from a basic category and dive deeper to sub categories.

For you focus though check out this app

use the search input to search app and you will see all database entries with those three letters

it uses the auto complete fuzzy search plugin