First Bubble plugin: created, approved and available!


Hey guys,

I wanted to share some good news: my first plugin for Bubble, Rough Notation, has been approved and is now available on the marketplace! :tada:

Rough Notation is perfect for anyone looking to transform the design of landing pages, blogs, and other visual projects with animated and interactive annotations! :crayon::sparkles: With it, you can:

:white_check_mark: Dynamically underline text
:white_check_mark: Circle important information
:white_check_mark: Create boxes around elements for highlighting
:white_check_mark: Add scribble effects, highlighting text snippets
:white_check_mark: And other smooth animations to give that special touch to your front-end!

It’s an ideal solution for anyone looking for a unique visual experience, with easy implementation and excellent documentation. If you want to highlight information in a creative and interactive way, this is the right plugin for you! :bulb:

:point_right: Demo: Rough Notation - Demo

:point_right:Plugin Page: Plugin page

Transform your pages into Bubble with much more style and innovation!

Feedback is very welcome!


Nice work

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Really neat, great stuff!

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@Ericberg they probably use the same library. There’s only so many parameters one can customise.

Looking at the (obfuscated) code in the browser, they’re not carbon copies at all.

There’s also evidence of Portugese/some Latin American language in OP’s code where it looks like he’s from.

Don’t be so quick to jump to conclusions, because he may well have worked hard on it and done a good job off his own back.

Just because someone has made a plugin using a library does not mean that anyone else is prohibited from doing the same…


Agreed. Nothing wrong with using a library. Lots of commercially available SAAS products use libraries. If anyone feels like they can do better then go ahead.

Adapting a library into a Bubble plugin is already a lot of work. I’ve been building plugins the last couple of months and it’s tedious work to fit a block of working code into a Bubble plugin. A lot more work if you want to customize/optimize the code for the many possible use cases a Bubble builder might use your plugin for.