Floating group disappearing while dragging a group


Not sure wether this has been addressed.

I have a header as a floating group (top) and drag-drop groups on the page.

If I drag the draggable group the floating group header disappears and is visible again after the group has been dropped.

Has anybody ran into the same issue as well?


Hi there,

Got the same issue, just filed a bug report.


We’ll fix that, unfortunately the draggable element will be below the floating group when dragged over it. Not much we can do about that given how the plugin works.

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Good! It’s fixed. Thanks for your reactivity!
As long as the content in the floating groups stay visible when an element is dragged on the page I think that’s OK. In my case I don’t see a problem, with the fact that the dragged element will be below, as I’m using floating groups only for the menus. (top and left)