I’m new to Bubble and need someone experienced to help me build out a specific project whilst teaching me how it’s done at the same time.
A lot of the basics I think I could probably handle by myself, but there are some very specific pieces of functionality which:
a) I’m not even sure Bubble can do
b) If Bubble can do it would probably take me a lot of ‘stumbling around’ to work out by myself.
So the work would involve scoping out the project then implementing various elements of functionality whilst explaining to me how it’s done.
Hi Nick,
I was in your shoes 6 months ago. I think your approach to building most of it yourself while also hiring an expert to both ensure you’re on the right path and also to help overcome the hardest obstacles is a really smart and effective approach.
There are at least a few really good Bubble consultants that may be able to help, so check them out. I know @levon, @iamsalar, and @romanmg are all highly knowledgeable so you can’t go wrong if any of them are interested and available to help out.
Additionally, I’d recommend looking at some of the video courses for Bubble from @iamsalar as well as some of the hands on training from @romanmg. You can find more details about each within the forum.
Welcome to Bubble, and best of luck!
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Thanks Scott. A big part of what I need is also on the scoping out side - if Bubble can’t do everything I need it to then there’s no point in me pouring hours into learning it!
Yep, completely agree. Experts can help with that.
Additionally, the Bubble community is top notch. Feel free to post create a thread asking about whether there are ways to implement specific features / capabilities that you’re wondering whether Bubble can support. Generally, you’ll get a lot of good responses from other community members.
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@brentsum 's video courses over at https://codefree.co/ cover pretty much the full spectrum of what Bubble can do.