Hey folks,
I am creating an app that will allow events to be scheduled, with the start times being in 6 minute increments. So for example I may have 3 events scheduled to start at 8:00 am, 4 events scheduled to start at 8:06 am, 1 event scheduled to start at 8:12 am, etc. I have a page that a person (the “Scheduler”) can see all of the scheduled events, there start times, and there expected duration on Bubble’s Full Calendar plug-in. I have enabled the Scheduler to move around these scheduled events on the calendar. My issue is that the Full Calendar plug-in seems to lock the time-intervals in which an event can be displayed and moved to 30 minute increments, whereas I would like it at 6 minute increments. For example, if I have an event starting at 8:00 am and would like to drag it down to start at 8:12 am, I cannot do this. I would have to drag an 8:00 am start-time event to 8:30 am, 9:00 am, 9:30 am, etc.
Is there something I am missing with the Full Calendar plug-in that would allow me to change the drag and drop time-intervals? Additionally, can I change the display to show more time-intervals in the Y-axis?
I’d like to avoid a paid plug-in, so if someone knows how to do this using the Full Calendar plug-in that would be great. However, if that’s not possible, does anyone know of a good alternate plug-in that definitely allows this functionality?
Thanks in advance.