I’m looking for an efficient way to put a group focus (or something alike) into my repeating group to display a menu for a particular cell.
My goal is to create a small dropdown menu when clicking on the three dots on the right.
So how would you initiate a workflow on the page from an action in the group focus that is within the repeating group? I have a submenu where, when the user clicks ‘Modify Job’, I’d like the repeating group to be hidden and then another group on the page be shown that displays the user’s job.
Don’t have my computer with me but you could try this:
Put a workflow on the modify job (either make it a button or put it on the text)
Workflow: Hide RG → Display Current cells „content“ into Popup (or what you use) → show popup
In my mind it works like this, but I can’t test it right now. Hope it helps though!